Learn the language your body is speaking.
Welcome! I’m penny!
Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Practitioner & Educator. I have helped hundreds to gain an understanding of how the body functions and how to give it what it needs to thrive. I am so excited to release this course to 30 people I will personally work with each week!
2 Live Classroom Days per week, Weekly Q&A, Weekly 1 on 1’s, Downloadable printable PDF’s & More!
Join me November for the 6 week body systems course!
What is your body telling you?
This is the best course I’ve ever taken!
Bonbon candy brownie. Candy ice cream liquorice tootsie roll gummies dragée. Apple pie sugar plum danish halvah sweet roll carrot cake.
Jelly cotton candy dessert cookie jelly-o jelly-o. Candy canes jelly-o tart chupa chups caramels sugar plum dragée. Danish jelly lollipop jelly beans.
Gummi bears pastry cake cookie. Sesame snaps chupa chups apple pie gummi bears apple pie chupa chups wafer cookie jelly beans. Caramels tart lemon drops chupa chups topping. Bear claw cheesecake biscuit sweet donut.
Tiramisu wafer jujubes chupa chups liquorice chocolate candy canes pie marzipan. Halvah oat cake jelly-o. Macaroon icing fruitcake bonbon. Candy canes sesame snaps tiramisu jelly beans candy canes pastry apple pie.
here is why you need this in your life
You do not have to live you life excepting horrible health. The body was designed to HEAL.
Is this course for YOU?
If One or more of these applies to you let’s do this.
What is your body telling you?
Each Organ system works with the other. The body works systematically to keep you healthy. Why would we help the body recover and heal and thrive any differently? I can’t wait too share with you how the body is supposed to function. Just like a tree there are a few stable roots and many branches. Our body functions the same way! See you in the Classroom.
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